


[日期:2007-02-16] 来源:本站整理  作者:佚名 [字体: ]


名字 name 作品 play
abraham romeo & juliet
adrian the tempest
adriana comedy of errors
adriano love's labour's lost
aegeon comedy of errors
aemilia comedy of errors
alonso the tempest
amiens as you like it
angelo (several plays)
angus macbeth
antigonus winter's tale
antipholus comedy of errors
antonio (several plays)
ariel the tempest
arviragus cymbeline
audrey as you like it
balthazar (several plays)
banquo macbeth
baptista taming of the shrew
bardolph merry wives of windsor
barnardine measure for measure
barnardo hamlet
bassanio merchant of venice
beatrice much ado about nothing
belarius cymbeline
benedick much ado about nothing
benvolio romeo & juliet
bertram all's well that ends well
bianca othello, taming of the shrew
biondello taming of the shrew
boyet love's labour's lost .
brabantio othello
caliban the tempest
camillo winter's tale
caphis timon of athens
cassio othello
celia as you like it
ceres the tempest
christopher taming of the shrew
claudio (several plays)
claudius hamlet
cleomenes winter's tale
cloten cymbeline
cordelia king lear
corin as you like it
cornelius hamlet, cymbaline
costard love's labour's lost
curan king lear
curio twelfth night
curtis taming of the shrew
cymbeline cymbeline
demetrius midsummer-night's dream
desdemona othello
diana all's well that ends well
dion winter's tale
dogberry much ado about nothing
donalbain macbeth
dorcas winter's tale
dromio comedy of errors
dull love's labour's lost
duncan macbeth
edgar king lear
edmund king lear
egeus midsummer-night's dream
eglamour two gentlemen of verona
elbow measure for measure
emilia othello, winter's tale
escalus measure for measure, romeo & juliet
fabian twelfth night
fenton merry wives of windsor
ferdinand love's labour's lost, the tempest
feste twelfth night
flavius timon of athens
fleance macbeth
florizel winter's tale
fortinbras hamlet
francisca measure for measure
francisco hamlet, the tempest
frederick as you like it
froth measure for measure
gertrude hamlet
goneril king lear
gonzalo the tempest
gratiano merchant of venice
gregory romeo & juliet
gremio taming of the shrew
guiderius cymbeline
hamlet hamlet
hecate macbeth
helen cymbeline
helena (several plays) .
hermia midsummer-night's dream
hermione winter's tale
hero (female) much ado about nothing
hippolyta midsummer-night's dream
holofernes love's labour's lost
horatio hamlet
hortensio taming of the shrew
hortensius timon of athens
iago othello
imogen cymbeline
iris the tempest
isabella measure for measure
jaquenetta love's labour's lost
jaques as you like it
jessica merchant of venice
julia two gentlemen of verona
juliet romeo & juliet, measure for measure
juno the tempest
katharina taming of the shrew
katharine (several plays)
laertes hamlet
lafeu all's well that ends well
lancelot merchant of venice
launce two gentlemen of verona
lavache all's well that ends well
lennox macbeth
leonardo merchant of venice
leonato much ado about nothing
leontes winter's tale
lodovico othello
lorenzo merchant of venice
luce comedy of errors
lucentio taming of the shrew
lucetta two gentlemen of verona
luciana comedy of errors
lucilius timon of athens
lucio measure for measure
lysander midsummer-night's dream
malcolm macbeth
malvolio twelfth night
mamillius winter's tale
marcellus hamlet
margaret much ado about nothing
maria love's labour's lost, twelfth night
mariana (several plays)
mercade love's labour's lost
mercutio romeo & juliet
miranda the tempest
montano othello
mopsa winter's tale
moth love's labour's lost
nathaniel taming of the shrew
nell comedy of errors
nerissa merchant of venice
nym merry wives of windsor
oberon midsummer-night's dream
oliver as you like it
olivia twelfth night
ophelia hamlet
orlando as you like it .
orsino twelfth night
osric hamlet
oswald king lear
othello othello
panthino two gentlemen of verona
paris romeo & juliet
parolles all's well that ends well
paulina winter's tale
perdita winter's tale
peter (various plays)
petruchio taming of the shrew
phebe as you like it
philario cymbeline
philip taming of the shrew
philostrate midsummer-night's dream
phrynia timon of athens
pisanio cymbeline
pistol merry wives of windsor
polixenes winter's tale
polonius hamlet
pompey measure for measure
portia merchant of venice
prospero the tempest
proteus two gentlemen of verona
regan king lear
reynaldo hamlet
rinaldo all's well that ends well
robin merry wives of windsor
roderigo othello
romeo romeo & juliet
rosalind as you like it
rosaline love's labour's lost
ross macbeth
salerio merchant of venice
sampson romeo & juliet
sebastian the tempest, twelfth night
seton macbeth
silvia two gentlemen of verona
silvius as you like it
simple merry wives of windsor
siward macbeth
snug midsummer-night's dream
solanio merchant of venice
solinus comedy of errors
speed two gentlemen of verona
stephano merchant of venice
stephano the tempest
theseus midsummer-night's dream
thurio two gentlemen of verona
timandra timon of athens
timon timon of athens
titania midsummer-night's dream
toby twelfth night
tranio taming of the shrew
trinculo the tempest
tubal merchant of venice
tybalt romeo & juliet
ursula much ado about nothing
valentine twelfth night
valentine two gentlemen of verona .
varrius measure for measure
vencentio taming of the shrew
verges much ado about nothing
vincentio measure for measure
viola twelfth night 

第11页: 有些日本人的姓氏发音,你绝对猜不出来
第12页:个人的姓氏 公司的名字
第13页:sars殃及挪威无辜的姓氏--萨斯 出门就被人拦住
第14页:大公司购买名人姓氏 法国又添“毕加索”

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相关文章       姓名 
  hi   (hi ,2011-09-28 )
  互相学习   (阳光 ,2011-05-11 )
  yryr   (677t6 ,2008-09-21 )
  hfh   (te ,2008-09-21 )
  jkf   (ret ,2007-08-19 )
  非常不好!   (安定麻烦哈瞥 ,2007-04-21 )


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